今天 Sammy 老師就要告訴大家一個秘密, 那就是...
所以啦, 其實你只要把現在完成式學好了, 現在完成進行式不會也沒什麼大不了
因為大部份時候, 它只是讓原本該用現在完成式的句子多了一些口語上的表達變化而已
現在完成進行式的基本句型為: 主詞 + have / has been Ving (第三人稱單數的主詞用 has )
它和現在完成式的第一種用途一樣, 用在指從以前持續到現在的動作或狀態
像是現在完成式的: I have lived here for five years.
也可以用現在完成進行式: I have been living here for five years.
既然如此, 為何會有兩種不一樣的時態呢?
有的時候, 現在完成和現在完成進行會有一點小小的差別
那一點小小的差別就在於, 說話的當時, 到底那件事情已經結束了, 還是仍正在進行中
比如說有人走進來, 看到你在講電話
你可能遮住話筒跟他說: I have been talking on the phone with my mother for an hour.
這樣用的是現在完成進行式, 表示說這句話的當時, 還在講電話
但是如果那人走進來時, 你正好把電話掛了
那麼用現在完成式(表示持續到此刻為止): I have talked on the phone with my mother for an hour.
或過去式(因為已結束了): I talked on the phone with my mother for an hour.
另外, 不能用現在完成進行式的時候, 就是當動詞是無法用進行式的動詞的時候
像 like, want, have (當”擁有”的意思時; 若當”吃”就可以有進行式), hate, know, understand, stop, meet, begin, start, leave, arrive, ... 等
所以像 I have known him since high school.
就不能用現在完成進行式 I have been knowing him since high school.
She has had that car for three years.
也不能說 She has been having that car for three years.
表達此生到目前為止的經驗, 或到此刻為止”已經...”或”還沒...”
像 We have never visited Taipei 101. 就不能用現在完成進行式
Jack has called me. 也不能
I have (already) had dinner. 還是不能
總之, 只有在指從之前持續到現在的事情時, 現在完成式和現在完成進行式才可以通用哦!
I have been working here since 2002. (= I have worked here since 2002.)
I haven’t been working here since 2002.
You have been waiting for an hour. (= You have waited for an hour.)
You haven’t been waiting for an hour.
Have you been waiting for an hour?
How long have you been waiting?
Ben has been watching TV all night. (= Ben has watched TV all night.)
Ben hasn’t been watching TV all night.
Has Ben been watching TV all night?
What has Ben been doing all night?
We have been talking on the phone since two o’clock. (= We have talked…)
We haven’t been talking on the phone since two o’clock.
Have we been talking on the phone since two o’clock?
How long have we been talking on the phone?
Rita and Jim have been dating for over a year. (= Rita and Jim have dated…)
Rita and Jim haven’t been dating for over a year.
Have Rita and Jim been dating for two years?
How long have Rita and Jim been dating?
資料來源: Sammy