
分詞構句:V-ing/V-p.p…, S + V… (以分詞開始的片語…, 主要子句) (或前後互換)

口訣:省略 (連接詞) 主詞,動詞變分詞--主動 → ing、被動 → p.p.! (主詞相同者)

例1. When most people (S1) talk about movies, they (S2) think of big explosions.

→ When talking about movies, most people think of big explosions. 結果(1)
Talking about movies, most people think of big explosions. 結果(2)

主詞most people是動詞talk about 的動作者,
主動含意 → 現在分詞talking about。


(A) 省略主詞:若S1 = S2 → 省略附屬子句主詞S1 (主要子句以明確的most people當主詞) 。
(B) 動詞變分詞--主動用V-ing:talk about為主動用法 → 變為現在分詞talking about → 結果(1)。
(C) 附屬連接詞when 亦可省略 → 結果(2)。

例2. When the soldiers (S1) are threatened, they (S2) will fire without warning.
→ When being threatened, the soldiers will fire without warning. 結果(1)
→ Threatened, the soldiers will fire without warning. 結果(2)

主詞the soldiers 是動詞threaten 的接受者(被~),
被動含意 → 過去分詞 threatened 。


(A) 省略主詞:若S1 = S2 → 省略附屬子句主詞S1 (主要子句以明確的the soldiers當主詞)。
(B) 動詞變分詞--被動用V-p.p.:are threatened為被動用法 → 變為過去分詞 threatened → 結果(1)。
(C) 附屬連接詞when亦可省略 → 結果(2)。

1) 完成式分詞構句 → Having +V-p.p.:已經 ~ (表時間相對較早之事件)
2) 否定分詞構句 → Not +V-ing/V-p.p.;Not having+ V-p.p./Having not + V-p.p.。
3) 附屬連接詞+S+be+形容詞 → 可省略「S+be」。例:If (it is) possible, we'll take a vacation.
4) be + 形容詞分詞構句 → (being) + 形容詞。例:(Being) Strong enough, he lifts heavy objects easily.
5) 分詞構句中,附屬連接詞不可省略者如unless (除非), once (一旦), as (如同), even if/though (即使), as if (彷彿/好像),
  until (直到) 等。


獨立分詞構句— S1 + V1-ing/V1-pp…, S2 + V2… (或前後互換)

口訣:省略連接詞,動詞變分詞--主動 → ing、被動 → p.p.! (S1 =/= S2主詞不同)

例1. If time (S1) permits, we (S2) will stop off in Hong Kong to do some shopping.
→ Time permitting, we will stop off in Hong Kong to do some shopping.

因為S1=\=S2,所以主詞S1 (time) 與S2 (we) 需各自獨立,都不可省略。
(A) 省略連接詞:刪除附屬連接詞if。
(B) 動詞變分詞--主動用V-ing:permits為主動用法 → 變為現在分詞 permitting。

例2. There (S1) were fireworks of all sorts, and each (S2) was brightly colored.
→ There were fireworks of all sorts, each being brightly colored.
→ There were fireworks of all sorts, each brightly colored.

因為S1=\=S2,所以主詞S1 (there) 與 S2 (each) 需各自獨立,都不可省略。
(A) 省略連接詞:刪除對等連接詞 and,對等關係轉為附屬關係。
(B) 動詞變分詞--被動用V-p.p.: was colored為被動用法 → 變為過去分詞 being colored。



基本結構:(With) + O + V-ing/V-p.p. …, S + V… (with 可省略而形成獨立分詞構句)

例1. A little girl is walking into the mall, (with) her hand tugging on (拉著) her mother's skirt.
例2. He took a break on the couch, (with) his eyes closed.

with + N + 形容詞/介詞片語 (當受詞補語OC)
1) He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
2) She stood staring, (with) her eyes wide open.



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