目前分類:多益上課講義分享 (39)

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過去完成式的基本句型為: 主詞 + had p.p.
或是指在過去某件事前, 就已持續一段時間的動作或狀態
總之它通常會牽涉到另一件過去的事作為前提, 或參考點
I started working here five years ago.
”五年前”當然用過去簡單式, 這大家應該都懂
但若繼續說: “在我來這裡上班之前, 我在銀行工作過三年”
Before I started working here, I had worked at a bank for three years.
所以這個部份就用過去完成式 had worked
Bill got married last month.
”在他結婚前, 他交過很多女朋友”
He had had a lot of girlfriends before he got married.
I left home at seven this moring.
”在我出門前, 我已經把早餐做好了”
Before I left home, I had (already) made breakfast.
記得: 用過去完成式通常是為了強調事件的先後順序
如果並沒有要強調哪件事先發生, 那麼兩件事都用平舖直敍的過去簡單式也可以
比如前面的例子, 其實我們也可以說:
Before I started working here, I worked for a bank for five years.
He had a lot of girlfriends before he got married.
或 Before I left home, I made breakfast.
是我之前為 EZ Talk 的翻譯單元出的
1. Henry ____________ (start) working for his father three years ago. Before that, he _______________ (never, have) a job.
2. Something _________________ (burn) when I got home from work. I rushed to the kitchen and found a pot of meat on the stove. Apparently, my mother _________________ (forget) to turn it off before she ____________ (go) to the store.
3. You _________________ (not, pick) up the phone when I ____________ (call). __________ you __________ (sleep)?
4. Mr. Wilson _______________ (always, want) to visit Paris before he retired. However, he __________ (be) very disappointed after he _______________ (go) there last year.
5. The driver _______________ (doze) off when he _______________ (hit) a boy on a bike.
6. Where _______ you __________ (put) the batteries? I _______________ (buy) some just the other day and _______________ (give) them to you, remember?
7. When we _______________ (arrive) at the restaurant, they _______________ (already, leave).
8. The famous writer ________________ (die) last week. It is said that he _______________ (type) up his last book when he suddenly ______________ (have) a heart attack. Before receiving a lifetime achievement award last month, he _______________ (publish) over 20 books.





















(Answers: (1) started, had never had 或 never had (2) was burning, had forgotten 或 forgot, went (3) didn’t pick, Were, sleeping (4) had always wanted 或 always wanted, was, went (5) was dozing, hit (6) did, put, bought, gave (7) arrived, had already left (8) died, was typing, had, had published)



資料來源: Sammy

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它指的是在過去某事件前, 就已持續一段時間的動作或狀態
且在該事件時仍有..., 或仍正在...
基本句型為: 主詞 + had been Ving
比如說: 你去聽演唱會遲到了, 這是已發生在過去某個時間的事實
當你到的時候, 台上的歌手已唱了半小時的歌
這種情況就是: She had (already) been singing for half an hour (when I got there).
或是當你出門時, 你的姐姐在講電話
三個小時後當你回家時, 她還在講電話
就要說: My sister had been talking on the phone for three hours (when I got home).
不過, 就像現在完成式和現在完成進行式常可以通用一樣
大部份過去完成式的句子, 都可以用過去完成進行式代換, 除非那個動詞是不能用進行式的
比如: He had worked here for five years before he quit. (他辭職前在這裡工作了五年)
= He had been working here for five years before he quit.
但不能用進行式的動詞, 像 like, love, want, have (有), see, hear…等
像 We had seen that movie twice before you mentioned it. (在你提起這部電影前,我們已經看過兩次了)
用過去完成進行式的句子, 如果是要強調不但是持續了一段時間, 且當時仍”正在...”的狀況
像之前的例子: She had been singing for half an hour when I got there.
如果改成過去完成式: She had sung for half an hour when I got there.
意思就會變成只是在說”我到的時候, 她已經唱過半小時”



資料來源: Sammy

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未來簡單式 (Simple Future) 用在表達未來會發生的事或對未來的計畫
(1) 主詞 + am / are / is going to V (表預定計畫)
(2) 主詞 + will + 原形動詞 (表較肯定會發生的事或表示 ”願意...”)
雖說兩種句型都是未來式, 但意義還是不太一樣的
例: I am going to see a movie tomorrow. (表達計畫)
I will see a movie tomorrow. (肯定會發生的事)
另外, 如果 be going to 後面接的動詞剛好也是 go 的話
可以把 to go 兩個字省掉
例: I’m going to go shopping tomorrow.
= I’m going shopping tomorrow.
而現在進行式 (主詞 + am / are / is + Ving) 也可取代未來式, 用來指未來要做的事
但當然最好把時間說清楚, 才不會在沒有上下文的情況下讓別人誤以為是此刻正在做的事
例: Ted is coming home this afternoon.
We’re taking a vacation next week.
(1) I am going to have dinner with Tom.
I am not going to have dinner with Tom.
Are you going to have dinner with Tom?
When are you going to have dinner with Tom?
Ann is going to make some tea.
Ann isn’t going to make (any) tea.
Is Ann going to make (any) tea?
What is Ann going to make?
My parents are going to take a trip to Europe.
My parents aren’t going to take a trip to Europe.
Are your parents going to take a trip to Europe?
When are your parents going to take a trip to Europe?

(2) I will talk to my boss about this.
I won’t talk to my boss about this. (won’t = will not)
Will you talk to your boss about this?
When will you talk to your boss about this?
Chris will get home around ten.
Chris won’t get home around ten.
Will Chris get home around ten?
When will Chris get home?
Mr. and Mrs. Lee will move to New York next year.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee won’t move to New York next year.
Will Mr. and Mrs. Lee move to New York next year?
Where will Mr. and Mrs. Lee move (to) next year?



資料來源: Sammy

老師 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

未來進行式顧名思義, 是指在未來某個時間”將正在”做的事
它的基本句型為: 主詞+ will be + Ving
A: Can I call you around midnight tonight?
B: I’d rather not. I think I’ll be sleeping then.
(我寧可你不要. 我想我那時將正在睡覺.)
A: Will you be available at 9 tomorrow morning?
B: No, I’ll be meeting with an important client.
(沒有空, 我將正在和一個重要的客戶會面.)
要注意的是, 雖然未來簡單式有兩種句型: am/are/is going to V 和 will V
但未來進行式不會用 am/are/is going to be Ving 這種句型
所以 She will be working at ten tomorrow morning.
就不能換成 She is going to be working at ten tomorrow morning.
還有, 口語中常用未來進行式取代未來簡單式
例如: I won’t be seeing you any time soon.
其實就是 I won’t see you any time soon. (我會過一陣子才能再見到你了.)
I will be cooking when you get home.
I won’t be cooking when you get home.
Will you be doing your homework when I get home?
What will you be doing when I get home?
Ben will be driving to Boston at this time tomorrow.
Ben won’t be driving to Boston at this time tomorrow.
Will Ben be driving to Boston at this time tomorrow?
What will Ben be doing at this time tomorrow?
They will be having dinner at eight this evening.
They won’t be having dinner at eight this evening.
Will they be having dinner at eight this evening?
Where will they be having dinner at eight this evening?



資料來源: Sammy

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它的基本句型為: 主詞 + will have + p.p. (過去分詞)
例:On August 25, they will have been married for ten years.
( 8 月 25 號那天, 他們將已結婚十年.)
We will have finished dinner by nine o’clock.
By the time she moves to Taipei, she will have lived in Taichung for three years.
(等她要搬去台北的時候, 她將已在台中住了三年.)
1. Ten o’clock tomorrow morning is not a good time for me because I _____________ (drive) my parents to the airport.
2. The little boy _____________ (be) missing for a month on the 25 th .
3. The meeting _____________ (take) place at 2:00 PM. Don’t be late.
4. By the time Erica finds out about this, we _____________ (correct) the problem.
5. ________ you _____________ (work) in your office or at home at three tomorrow afternoon? I need to know where I can reach you.
6. Rita and Andy _____________ (have) their wedding at a church next month.
7. Hopefully, we _____________ (receive) the money by the end of the month.
8. The movie star _____________ (get) married again next week. At her wedding, she _____________ (wear) a very expensive wedding dress designed by Vera Wang.
9. By this time next year, I _____________ (graduated) from college and _____________ (start) making money.
10. I won’t be able to wake you up at 8: 00 A .M. tomorrow because I _____________ (leave) for work by then.














(Answers: (1) will be driving (2) will have been (3) will take / will be taking (4) will have corrected (5) Will, be working (6) will have (7) will have received (8) will get, will be wearing / will wear (9) will have graduated, started (10) will have left)


資料來源: Sammy

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一般來說, some 這個字用在肯定句, 偶爾也會用在疑問句
而 any 用在否定句和疑問句
所以 someone (某個人), something (某物或某事) 也是用在肯定或疑問句
而 anyone (任何人), anything (任何事物) 也是用在否定和疑問句
(除非是強調 ”不論是什麼” 的語氣, 像 You can tell me anything. 你什麼都可以告訴我)
但大家要注意的是, 當你用這種 ”不定代名詞” 時
比如 ”某個重要的人” 是 someone important
”某件奇怪的事” 是 something strange / something weird
記得先把中文裡 ”某個人”, “某件事” 挑出來先講
在我們的作業中, 有一句很少有同學寫對的翻譯:
這裡的 ”什麼特別的事” 其實就是指 ”任何特別的事”
所以我們先把 ”任何事” 挑出來, 變成 anything
再把 ”特別的” 放在它後面, 變成 anything special
所以整句就是: Did you do anything special on the weekend / over the weekend?
不過當這種組合前面要放 ”這” 或 ”那” 時
又可以變成 this / that + 形容詞 + 不定代名詞 的結構了
像 ”你在找那個特別的人嗎?” Are you looking for that special someone?
但也還是可以說 Are you looking for someone special?
1. 我不認識任何有趣的人.
2. 你在找某個很貴的東西嗎?
3. 他沒有買任何有用的東西.
4. 我偏好某種小一點的東西.
5. 你(已經) 結識了某個新的對象 (人) 嗎? (通常指新的男女朋友)
1. I don’t know anyone interesting.
2. Are you looking for something expensive?
3. He didn’t buy anything useful.
4. I prefer something smaller.
5. Have you met someone new?


資料來源: Sammy

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let, have, make, get 等字在文法上被稱作 ”使役動詞”
因為它們的意思都是允許, 叫, 命令別人去做什麼事
但麻煩的是它們後面接了受詞以後, 再接原形動詞, to V, 還是 p.p. 就不一定了
這個也是 TOEIC 愛考的文法重點之一
(1) let (允許; 讓) 的用法
let + 受詞 + 原形動詞 (允許 / 讓...去做...) (主動語態, 受詞去做某件事)
例: Jenny’s mother doesn’t let her go out at night.
They won’t let us pass.
let + 受詞 + be p.p. (允許 / 讓...被...) (被動語態, 受詞被...)
例: How could you let your mother be insulted like that? (insult 侮辱)
I won’t let my daughter be treated that way. (我不會讓我女兒受到那種待遇)
(2) have (使; 叫; 命令) 的用法
have + 受詞 + 原形動詞 (使 / 叫 ... 去做...事)
例: The teacher had us clean up the classroom.
My boss had me work overtime again.
have + 受詞 + p.p. (使 ... 被... )
例: We have our office cleaned every weekend.
You need to have the document verified by the government.
(3) make (迫使) 的用法
make + 受詞 + 原形動詞 (迫使... 去做...事)
例: My boss made me rewrite the report.
The policeman made the man move his car.
make + 受詞 + 形容詞 (使 ... 變得 ... )
例: The movie always makes me sad.
Don’t make the problem worse than it is. (別把問題弄得比現在更糟)
make + 受詞 + p.p. (使 ... 被 ... )
例: Make yourself known to the guard when you pass the gate.
(當你通過大門時, 要讓警衛知道你的身份)
make + 受詞 + 另一名詞 (使 ... 成為 ... )
例: Talent and hard work made her a super star.
The CEO made Mr. Simms head of accounting.
(4) get (使得; 命令) 的用法
get + 受詞 + to V (使得 ... 去做 ... )
例: How did you get Tom to clean his room?
Joan got her husband to buy her a big diamond ring.
get + 受詞 + p.p. (使得 ... 被 ...)
例: The accident got Kevin fired.
Please get the job done as soon as possible.
現在請各位來練習看看, 填入正確的動詞形式:
1. When did you have your office ______ (paint)?
2. The police got the man _____ (admit) that he killed the woman.
3. She has never tried to make her children _____ (do) anything they don’t enjoy.
4. The government doesn’t let meat _____ (import).
5. We have to get the contract _____ (sign) today.
6. The movie star doesn’t let her children _____ (photograph) by reporters.
7. The manager had everyone _____ (work) on the weekend.
1. repainted 2. to admit 3. do 4. be imported 5. signed
6. be photographed 7. work



資料來源: Sammy

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(1) 指從以前持續到現在的事, 像 ”我已經在這裡工作兩年” I have worked here for two years.
(2) 這輩子曾做過或沒做過的事, 像 ”他沒有出過國” He has never been abroad.
(3) 強調到目前為止 ”已經...了” (而不是還沒有), 或 ”還沒有...”
像 He hasn’t finished his homework. / We have seen that movie.
現在問題來了... 因為上述的現在完成式第三種用法
會讓人不知道在問別人 ”你吃飯了沒?” 這個句子
到底該用過去簡單式, 因為它指的是問話之前做的事?
還是用現在完成式, 因為它也有 ”你 (已經) 吃過飯了嗎?” 這樣的意思?
答案是: 在這句的情況下, 其實兩種都可以!
如果你用過去簡單式, 問: Did you have dinner?
意思是問對方, 在此刻之前是否做了這樣的事
但如果用現在完成式, 就變成你想強調 ”已經” 這個部份
你想知道對方是否 ”已經” 吃過晚飯
通常言下之意就是, 如果 ”還沒有” 的話, 可以一起去吃或請他吃飯等等
同樣地, 當你要表達 ”我已經看過那部電影了” 這種句子時
如果你用過去簡單式: I saw the movie.
反正就是做了這樣的事, 沒有什麼 ”弦外之音”
但當你用現在完成式說: I have seen that movie. 時
你要強調的就是 ”已經” 這個部份
(比如 "所以不要找我去看了",或"所以不想看那部")
不過, 像這種可以把過去簡單式和現在完成式通用的情況
也就是這種有 ”已經...” 的句子
像第一種情況的 I have worked here for two years. 是到現在都還在這裡上班
但若用過去簡單式 I worked here for two years. 則是說以前曾在這裡工作兩年,現在沒有了
而第二種情況的 He has driven a bus. 是"他這輩子曾經開過公車"
而過去簡單式 He drove a bus. 則是說此人在過去某個時候做了開公車這樣一件事

資料來源: Sammy

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這是昨天改作業時看到的問題, 現在來釐清大家的觀念
首先, 受詞 it / them 是指特定的東西
像: A: Do you like the ring? B: Yes, I like it.
A: Do you like the shoes? B: Yes, I like them.
但要是別人並沒有指定是哪一個或哪一些時, 就要用 one 或 some / any 了
比如: A: Do you have a silk shirt? / Do you have any silk shirts? (兩句意思一樣)
B: Yes, I have one. (有一件) / Yes, I have some. = Yes, I have a few. (有幾件)
B: No, I don’t have one. = No, I don’t have any.
現在換各位來做做看, 填入 it / them / one / some / any:
1. I really like this coffee shop. Do you like ________?
2. This coffee is really good. Would you like _________?
3. I put my books here a minute ago. Did you see ________?
4. Diamond rings are pretty, but I don’t have _______.
5. I need to borrow a laptop. Do you have ________?
1. it 2. some / any 均可 3. them 4. one / any 均可 5. one


資料來源: Sammy

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在上次的名詞子句(一)那篇裡, 講的是把名詞子句當受詞的用法, 也是最簡單的一種名詞子句用法
(1) 疑問詞 (where, who, when, what, why, how, which) + 主詞 + 動詞 (從疑問句變來的)
(2) that + 主詞 + 動詞 (指事實)
(3) if / whether (是否) + 主詞 + 動詞 (從 Yes-No 問句而來)
不過, 當我們要把一個原本是 Yes-No 問句的句子變成名詞子句當主詞時
就只能用 whether + 主詞 + 動詞, 而不能用 if 了
把名詞子句當作主詞, 就是指把它放在句子的開頭, 後面接動詞
像是: Where he went doesn’t matter. (他去了哪裡不重要.)
這裡的 where he went 這個名詞子句就是主詞, 而整個句子的動詞就是後面的 doesn’ matter
平常我們會用 It doesn’t matter. 這樣的句子
在這裡只是用名詞子句 where he went 來取代 it 成為主詞
我們也可以用第二種名詞子句來造個句子, 像是:
That they decided to get married was a shock to us.
這裡的 that they decided to get married 這個名詞子句是主詞
而 was 是整個句子真正的動詞
如果沒有句首的 that, 而只用 they decided to get married 的話
they decided to get married 就是一個獨立的句子而不是子句
和後面的 was 就會產生衝突, 因為這句話會變成有兩個動詞
而且後面的 was 反而沒有主詞跟它搭配了
所以沒有 that 的話, They decided to get married was a shock to us. 是個錯誤的句子
我們再用第三種名詞子句當主詞來造句: (記得不能用 if )
Whether you like him (or not) will not change my decision.
這裡就是把 whether you like him or not 這個名詞子句當主詞
will not change 是這句裡真正的動詞所在
現在請各位用名詞子句當主詞, 試著合併或翻譯下面的句子:
1. Why did he leave? It was not important.
2. He made a lot of mistakes. It was the reason he got fired.
3. Did he pass the exam or not? It will be announced in a few days.
4. 他說了些什麼和我的決定無關.
5. 他出身富裕這件事一直是個秘密.
6. 他有沒有拿那筆錢已經不重要了.
1. Why he left was not important.
2. That he made a lot of mistakes was the reason he got fired.
3. Whether he passed the exam (or not) will be announced in a few days.
4. What he said has nothing to do with my decision.
5. That he’s from a rich family has always been a secret.
6. Whether he took the money (or not) is no longer important. / ... is not important anymore.

分享至: Sammy

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所謂名詞子句, 就是把一個句子當作名詞來用
名詞的一般用途是主詞或受詞, 所以名詞子句也一樣當作主詞或受詞, 只不過它是個句子
比如說 I don’t know his name. 這個句子裡, his name 是 know 的受詞
如果把這句話改成: I don’t know where he lives.
where he lives 這個子句一樣是當 know 的受詞, 受詞一定是名詞, 所以它就是個名詞子句
今天我們就先來學這種比較簡單的, 也就是當作受詞用的名詞子句
(1) 疑問詞 (where, who, when, what, why, how, which) + 主詞 + 動詞 (從疑問句變來的)
(2) that + 主詞 + 動詞 (指事實)
(3) if / whether (是否) + 主詞 + 動詞
比如原本疑問句是: Who is he?
改成名詞子句時, 因為名詞子句不再是疑問句, 所以不用疑問句的句型
而用一般句子 ”先主詞再動詞” 的結構
因此要在 Who is he? 前面加個 Do you know 的話
整句就成了: Do you know who he is?
若是過去式的疑問句 Where did he go?
前面加了 I don’t know 時, 整句就要說: I don’t know where he went. (恢復過去式動詞)
用 that 帶出的名詞子句是一個事實的直述句 (肯定或否定句)
比如 I didn’t know (that) Jack got fired.
當 that 接的名詞子句是當受詞時, that 通常可以省略
當一個 Yes-No 問句要變成名詞子句時, 我們就得加入 if 或 whether 來表示 ”是否...”
句尾也可以再加個 or not
像 Is he OK? 如果前面要加 Do you know
就要變成 Do you know if / whether he is OK (or not)?
or not 也可以直接放在 whether 的後面, 但不可直接放在 if 後面
比如: Do you know whether or not he is OK? (O)
Do you know if or not he is OK? (X)
句尾的標點是以主要子句, 也就是開頭的子句為準
像 Do you know… / Could you tell me… 最後就要用問號
而 I don’t know / I think ... 最後用的就是句點
現在大家來練習看看以下的題目, 把兩個句子用名詞子句的方式連接成一句:
1. Did you hear? Jack got married.
2. I need to know. When did they leave?
3. Do you understand? How important is this?
4. I don’t know. Where does Amy live?
5. Do you know? Has Tim ever been to Thailand?
6. I don’t remember. Is her father a doctor?
7. Nobody knows. Can she play the piano?
8. Nobody knows. She can play the piano.
9. Nobody knows. What can she play?
10. I have no idea. Which color did he choose?
1. Did you hear (that) Jack got married?
2. I need to know when they left.
3. Do you understand how important this is?
4. I don’t know where Amy lives.
5. Do you know if/whether Tom has been to Thailand (or not)?
6. I don’t remember if/whether her father is a doctor.
7. Nobody knows if/whether she can play the piano (or not).
8. Nobody knows (that) she can play the piano.
9. Nobody knows what she can play.
10. I have no idea which color he chose.

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由 ”疑問詞 + 主詞 + 動詞” 形成的名詞子句
而且該名詞子句裡用的是 “can / should + 原形動詞” 時
變成「疑問詞 + to V」的縮略寫法, 成為一個片語
例:Could you tell me how I can get to the train station?
= Can you tell me how to get to the train station?
I am not sure what I should do. = I am not sure what to do.
不過由Yes / No 疑問句變成的名詞子句則不能這樣變化
現在大家來練習看看, 把下面的名詞子句改為縮略的片語:
1. Please let us know when we can move in.
= Please let us know _______________________
2. It is not my responsibility to teach you how you should do your job.
= It is not my responsibility to teach you __________________________
3. Can anyone tell me which way I should go?
= Can anyone tell me ________________________
4. I have no idea how I can make that much money.
= I have no idea _________________________
5. Do you know what you should do next?
= Do you know __________________________?
1. when to move in
2. how to do your job
3. which way to go
4. how to make that much money
5. what to do next

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suggest 這個字在使用時, 句型有兩種
一是用 suggest + 名詞或動名詞 (Ving)
例如: David suggested having the party at his place.
Mr. Thompson suggested an idea to the board. (董事會)
另外一個句型, 是用在表示 ”建議某人去做某事” 時
很多人以為可以直接說 suggest 人 to V
比如 He suggested me to see a doctor.
但事實上這是受到中文裡 ”去做...” 的影響, , 是完全錯誤的文法
suggest 這個字根本不能這樣用
在表示 ”建議” 這個意思的幾個字裡面 (suggest, recommend, advise)
只有 advise 這個字可以用 advise 人 to V 的句型 (注意是動詞 advise 而不是名詞 advice)
像 He advised us to seek an expert’s opinions.
用 suggest 這個字來表示 ”建議某人去做某事” 時
句型是: suggest (that) + 人 + 原形動詞
這是很多英文考試都愛考的題目, 因為它很特殊
一般來說, “動詞 + that 子句” 裡, 子句的動詞時態必須配合前面真正的動詞
比如要說 He said (that) he would come tomorrow.
但在 suggest 的這個句型裡, 不管 suggest 本身用的是什麼時態
(一般如果主詞為第三人稱單數, 在現在簡單式的肯定句裡, 動詞要加 s 或 es )
that 後面子句裡的動詞一律要用原形
比如: I suggested (that) Dan see a doctor. (O)
I suggested Dan to see a doctor. (X)
I suggested (that) Dan saw a doctor. (X)
至於為什麼會這樣? 是可以解釋的, 我們多益課也有教
這其實是因為這裡的 that 子句中省略了一個字: should
這個句型原本應該是: suggest (that) someone should + V
should 後面該接的就是原形動詞, 只是這個句型經過時間的演變
這個 should 到後來不知何故就被省略掉了
但是這個 ”隱藏版” 的助動詞其實還是在那兒的, 只是我們看不見它
於是造成乍看之下很奇怪的 suggest (that) + 人 + 原形動詞 的句型
不過要注意, 若子句裡要用的是被動語態時
就要變成 suggest (that) someone / something + be p.p. 的句型了
(把被動語態裡的 be 動詞變成原形)
1. 醫生常建議他要多運動.
The doctor often suggests (that) he do more exercise.
2. 我建議把影印機移到窗戶那裡.
I suggest moving the copier to the window.
= I suggest (that) the copier be moved to the window.
3. 經理建議把會議延期。
The manager suggested postponing the meeting.
= The manager suggested (that) the meeting be postponed.

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之前談過定冠詞 the 的基本用法
最近剛好有讀者問到關於 the 的特殊用法的問題, 所以在此略加補充
這名讀者的問題是 The lion is king of the beasts. (獅子是萬獸之王) 這個句子
在不懂 the 的特殊用法的情形下
很多人會覺得奇怪, 為何 lion 前要加 the? 因為它的意思又不是只有指某隻特定的獅子
還有, 為什麼 king 不用加 the?
及為什麼 beasts 前面反而要加 the?
關於為什麼 lion 前要加 the, 但 king 前面不用加 the 的問題
在上次那篇已經講過, 還沒看過的人可以點上面那個連結去看一下
至於為什麼 beasts 前面反而要加 the, 這就是 the 的另一個特殊用法了
上次那篇有提過, “the + 形容詞” 可以用來指全體那樣的人
比如 the young = young people, the Japanese = Japanese people
在 the beasts 這種用法裡, 則是用 the + 複數名詞, 來指某範圍內的全部組成份子
比如: They are workers of DHL. 表達重點是他們的身份, 職業
但 They are the workers of DHL. 表達重點則是他們是組成 DHL 這家公司的成員
(突然想到希拉蕊在多年前讓媒體為之譁然的那句: We are the president! )
所以 the beasts 指的是組成動物界的所有野獸
另外, 在上一篇講九大行星的文章裡, 我也有提過
the 也會用在獨一無二的自然界物體前面
像 the sun, the moon, the earth, the world 等
the 還會用在指方向或方位的字前面
比如 the right/left, the east 等
the 也會放在像 only, rest, same 這些字前面
像 the only person, the rest (of…), the same (shirt / as…)
the 還會出現在某些專有名詞前
雖然一般來講, 專有名詞像人名, 國名, 地名, 公司行號的名稱等前面是不能加冠詞的
但這些是因為它們的名稱裡包含一個普通名詞, 而有時這個普通名詞被省略了
像是 the Alps 指的是阿爾卑斯山, 但它其實應該是 the Alps Mountains
但裡面的普通名詞 mountains 被省掉了
其他像 the New York Times (紐約時報) 也是這樣的情形, 省掉了 newspaper
(至於 the United States, the Yellow River 這些專有名詞為何要加 the
就是因為裡面有 states, river 這些平常是普通名詞的字
這個在上次講 the 的那篇裡有, 大家可以去看一下)
“the + 姓氏複數” 是用來指那一家人
像 the Andersons = the Anderson family
大家在看英文的東西時, 應該多注意 the 的用法
常常問自己: 為什麼這裡要有 the? 為什麼這裡又沒有?
試著自己用所學到的知識去回答這些問題, 觀念就會越來越清楚
回答不出來時, 就試著找答案或問別人
我再次重申: 語言是活的東西, 一定要用它, 才會熟練

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之前談過定冠詞 the 的基本用法
最近剛好有讀者問到關於 the 的特殊用法的問題, 所以在此略加補充
這名讀者的問題是 The lion is king of the beasts. (獅子是萬獸之王) 這個句子
在不懂 the 的特殊用法的情形下
很多人會覺得奇怪, 為何 lion 前要加 the? 因為它的意思又不是只有指某隻特定的獅子
還有, 為什麼 king 不用加 the?
及為什麼 beasts 前面反而要加 the?
關於為什麼 lion 前要加 the, 但 king 前面不用加 the 的問題
在上次那篇已經講過, 還沒看過的人可以點上面那個連結去看一下
至於為什麼 beasts 前面反而要加 the, 這就是 the 的另一個特殊用法了
上次那篇有提過, “the + 形容詞” 可以用來指全體那樣的人
比如 the young = young people, the Japanese = Japanese people
在 the beasts 這種用法裡, 則是用 the + 複數名詞, 來指某範圍內的全部組成份子
比如: They are workers of DHL. 表達重點是他們的身份, 職業
但 They are the workers of DHL. 表達重點則是他們是組成 DHL 這家公司的成員
(突然想到希拉蕊在多年前讓媒體為之譁然的那句: We are the president! )
所以 the beasts 指的是組成動物界的所有野獸
另外, 在上一篇講九大行星的文章裡, 我也有提過
the 也會用在獨一無二的自然界物體前面
像 the sun, the moon, the earth, the world 等
the 還會用在指方向或方位的字前面
比如 the right/left, the east 等
the 也會放在像 only, rest, same 這些字前面
像 the only person, the rest (of…), the same (shirt / as…)
the 還會出現在某些專有名詞前
雖然一般來講, 專有名詞像人名, 國名, 地名, 公司行號的名稱等前面是不能加冠詞的
但這些是因為它們的名稱裡包含一個普通名詞, 而有時這個普通名詞被省略了
像是 the Alps 指的是阿爾卑斯山, 但它其實應該是 the Alps Mountains
但裡面的普通名詞 mountains 被省掉了
其他像 the New York Times (紐約時報) 也是這樣的情形, 省掉了 newspaper
(至於 the United States, the Yellow River 這些專有名詞為何要加 the
就是因為裡面有 states, river 這些平常是普通名詞的字
這個在上次講 the 的那篇裡有, 大家可以去看一下)
“the + 姓氏複數” 是用來指那一家人
像 the Andersons = the Anderson family
大家在看英文的東西時, 應該多注意 the 的用法
常常問自己: 為什麼這裡要有 the? 為什麼這裡又沒有?
試著自己用所學到的知識去回答這些問題, 觀念就會越來越清楚
回答不出來時, 就試著找答案或問別人
我再次重申: 語言是活的東西, 一定要用它, 才會熟練

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所以我們先從基礎開始, 先講用 wish (希望) 這個字的假設語氣句型
在學假設語氣的句型時, 大家要先記得一點
那就是假設的句子要用的時態, 會比實際狀況早一步
所以如果要假設的是和現在事實相反的事, 就用過去式
假設和過去事實相反的事, 就用比過去式還要早一步的過去完成式
舉例來說, 如果你今天得去上班, 但你希望你可以不必去
那就要說 I wish I didn’t have to go to work today.
或是希望現在的自己是有錢的, 就說: I wish I had a lot of money.
要注意的是, 在和現在事實相反的假設句裡, 如果碰到用的是 be 動詞的句子時
不論人稱為何, 一律用 were 這個過去式的 be 動詞 (但口語上可以用 was)
比如: I wish I were taller. / He wishes he were rich.
I wish it were Sunday today.
要假設和過去事實相反的事, 就用過去完成式 (had p.p.)
比如朋友有件事沒告訴你, 就可以說: I wish you had told me.
或是 I wish I had listened to your advice. (真希望我當時有聽從你的建議) (事實上沒有)
I wish I hadn’t wasted my time on that movie. (真希望我沒有浪費時間在那部電影上)
至於 hope 和 wish 有何不同, 請見 ”相似字” 裡的這篇:
1. 真希望我可以和你一起去日本.
2. 真希望她是我女朋友.
3. 真希望我賺的錢多一點.
4. 真希望我十年前就認識你.
5. 真希望他沒發生那場意外.
6. 真希望我們沒有失去聯絡
1. I wish I could go to Japan with you.
2. I wish she were my girlfriend.
3. I wish I made more money.
4. I wish I had known you ten years ago.
5. I wish he hadn’t had that accident.
6. I wish we hadn’t lost touch (with each other).

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聽起來好像很深奧, 其實並不難懂
所謂 ”限定子句” (restrictive clauses) 意思是說子句裡的資訊有絕對的必要性
若是沒有這個子句的補充說明, 會讓語意不清
比如: I don’t know the woman who is talking to Ann. (我不認識在跟 Ann 說話的那個女人)
這句話的形容詞子句是 who is talking to Ann (在跟 Ann 說話的那個人)
如果少了這個子句的說明, 這句話就只剩下 I don’t know the woman.
在沒有前文的情況下, 會讓人一頭霧水, 不知道你在講的是哪個女人
反過來說, 如果一個形容詞子句裡的資訊對於理解上並沒有絕對必要性, 只是順道一提的
也就是說它要修飾的名詞已經很明確的時候, 這個子句就叫 ”非限定子句” (non-restrictive clauses)
比如: We visited Taipei 101, which was the tallest building in the world at the time.
(我們去參觀了台北101大樓, 它是當時世界上最高的大樓.)
由於主要子句 We visited Taipei 101. 已經是一個很明確而意思也完整清楚的句子
後面的形容詞子句只是順便告訴人家一個關於 101 的額外資訊
(如果對方缺乏常識, 不知道台北101是什麼, 在文法上並不關說話者的事, 它是一個明確的專有名詞)
這種子句就叫 ”非限定子句”, 意思是說子句的作用並不是要給所修飾的名詞一個必要的說明
非限定子句在關係代名詞前面和子句結束的地方都要加逗點, 而且它的關係代名詞就絕對不能省略
它的 which, who, whom 也不能用 that 取代
形容詞子句要修飾的名詞如果是專有名詞 (人名地名), 或是家人稱謂, 就得用非限定子句
像是: My mom, who loves George Clooney, has the entire DVD collection of E.R.
(我媽超愛喬治克魯尼, 她有 ”急診室的春天” 的全套 DVD)
這個句子其實重點就只是 My mom has the entire DVD collection of E.R.
子句的部份只是額外補充說明, 就算拿掉也不影響主要子句要表達的意思
所以叫 ”非限定子句”
如果有前文的說明, 或是在一個很清楚的狀況下
非限定子句也會用來修飾 ”定冠詞 the + 名詞” 的普通名詞
比如談一本書, 假如在這個句子之前已經有說過這本書是什麼書
比如: My favorite writer just published a new novel. The book, which has over 500 pages, is already
a best-seller on Amazon.
這裡面的非限定子句 which has over 500 pages 也是順道一提的資訊, 可有可無
以下這兩個句子, 一個是限定用法, 一個是非限定用法, 適用的情況就不一樣:
The dog that is running in our yard belongs to our neighbor Mr. King.
(表示聽話者若沒有子句的補充解釋, 會不知道是在講哪隻狗)
The dog, which is running in our yard, belongs to our neighbor Mr. King.



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常見的形容詞句型是「主詞 + be動詞 + 形容詞」
比如:He is funny. / She is honest.
但有時我們會看到 He is (just) being funny. / She is (just) being honest. 這樣的句子
「主詞 + be動詞 + being + 形容詞」的句型是用來指某人只是在此刻或過去的某一刻是那樣子
注意主詞後的 be 動詞要視時態而用 am, are, is 或過去的 was, were
我們就可以說:You are being silly.
意思是他/她只是此刻儍,並非常態 (如果是常態就會說 You are silly. 了)
別人卻摸不著頭腦而問你:What did you do/say that for?
你可以說:I was just being funny. 意思是你剛才只是想搞笑
就可以說:I was just being helpful. (我只是想幫忙而已)
可以說:She’s being cranky today. (她今天很易怒)
可以說:You are being rude! (你很沒禮貌!)
(意思是他此刻很沒禮貌。有別於說 You are rude. 指此人平常一向都沒禮貌)
有人正在鬧小孩子脾氣,可以對他說:You are being childish!
有人正在對你說謊,可以說:You are not being honest (with me).
就可以說:He is being shy today. / I don’t know why he is being shy today.
有別於 He is shy. (指他平常一向很害羞)
一些常態性的形容詞,不可能瞬時改變的,比如形容外觀的 tall, thin, pretty等形容詞
因此不能說出像 He is being tall. 或 I was being young. 這種句子

1. 有人正在做出不理性的事或說出不理性的話。你要對他說?(reasonable)
2. 你認為對方昨天在處理某件事時不公平。你要對他說?(fair)
3. 你想知道對方此刻說的話是在開玩笑還是認真的。你要問他?(funny)
4. 別人問你昨天為何會做出那樣的蠢事。你可以說?(stupid)
5. 同事甲和乙並不熟,甲卻大方幫乙付了飲料錢。當乙向你質疑甲為何這麼做,懷疑甲是否別有用心時,你可對乙說?(generous)



1. You are not being reasonable. / You are being unreasonable.
2. You were not being fair.
3. Are you being funny?
4. I was being stupid.
5. He/She was (just) being generous.




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比如 enjoy 這個字後面的動詞要用動名詞(Ving)
但 want 這個字後面卻要接不定詞(to V)
有些動詞像是 like (喜歡) 後面兩種都可以接,而且意思一樣
有些動詞像是今天要講的 try 後面雖然兩種都可以接,但意思卻會不一樣
當 try 的後面接不定詞 to V 時
比如:I’m going to try to fix the sink myself. (我將試著自己修理水槽。)
要注意的是,當 try to V 的句型用在過去式的句子裡時,則是暗示了沒有成功
像是:I tried to fix the sink myself. 則是暗示了最後沒有修好
而會直接說 I fixed the sink myself. 就好了
try Ving 的句型則是指試著用某種方法去達成目的
後面的 Ving 部份是所嘗試的方法
A: Have you reached Tom yet? (你聯絡上湯姆了嗎?)
B: I tried calling him on his cell phone, but it went straight to voice mail.
A: Maybe you should try sending him an e-mail. (也許你應該試試發電郵給他。)
如果沒有一開始的問句,也可以說 I tried to call him on his cell phone.
例二:A: The remote (control) isn’t working. (遙控器不能用了。)
B: Have you tried changing the batteries? (你試過更換電池了嗎?)
此時就不該說 Have you tried to change the batteries?

現在請各位來想想看以下句子應該用 to V 還是 Ving:
1. She tried _________ (kill) herself, but her roommate stopped her.
2. He tried ________ (kick) the vending machine to make it work, but it didn’t help.
3. I tried ________ (read) this boring book to help me fall asleep faster.
4. I tried ________ (read) this book, but it’s very difficult to understand.
5. If you think you’re underpaid, you should try ________ (talk) to your boss about a raise.




1. to kill 2. kicking 3. reading 4. to read 5. talking



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