在上次的名詞子句(一)那篇裡, 講的是把名詞子句當受詞的用法, 也是最簡單的一種名詞子句用法
(1) 疑問詞 (where, who, when, what, why, how, which) + 主詞 + 動詞 (從疑問句變來的)
(2) that + 主詞 + 動詞 (指事實)
(3) if / whether (是否) + 主詞 + 動詞 (從 Yes-No 問句而來)
不過, 當我們要把一個原本是 Yes-No 問句的句子變成名詞子句當主詞時
就只能用 whether + 主詞 + 動詞, 而不能用 if 了
把名詞子句當作主詞, 就是指把它放在句子的開頭, 後面接動詞
像是: Where he went doesn’t matter. (他去了哪裡不重要.)
這裡的 where he went 這個名詞子句就是主詞, 而整個句子的動詞就是後面的 doesn’ matter
平常我們會用 It doesn’t matter. 這樣的句子
在這裡只是用名詞子句 where he went 來取代 it 成為主詞
我們也可以用第二種名詞子句來造個句子, 像是:
That they decided to get married was a shock to us.
這裡的 that they decided to get married 這個名詞子句是主詞
而 was 是整個句子真正的動詞
如果沒有句首的 that, 而只用 they decided to get married 的話
they decided to get married 就是一個獨立的句子而不是子句
和後面的 was 就會產生衝突, 因為這句話會變成有兩個動詞
而且後面的 was 反而沒有主詞跟它搭配了
所以沒有 that 的話, They decided to get married was a shock to us. 是個錯誤的句子
我們再用第三種名詞子句當主詞來造句: (記得不能用 if )
Whether you like him (or not) will not change my decision.
這裡就是把 whether you like him or not 這個名詞子句當主詞
will not change 是這句裡真正的動詞所在
現在請各位用名詞子句當主詞, 試著合併或翻譯下面的句子:
1. Why did he leave? It was not important.
2. He made a lot of mistakes. It was the reason he got fired.
3. Did he pass the exam or not? It will be announced in a few days.
4. 他說了些什麼和我的決定無關.
5. 他出身富裕這件事一直是個秘密.
6. 他有沒有拿那筆錢已經不重要了.
1. Why he left was not important.
2. That he made a lot of mistakes was the reason he got fired.
3. Whether he passed the exam (or not) will be announced in a few days.
4. What he said has nothing to do with my decision.
5. That he’s from a rich family has always been a secret.
6. Whether he took the money (or not) is no longer important. / ... is not important anymore.
分享至: Sammy