頻率 副詞
總是/老是:always, all the time, at all times 不斷地:constantly 通常:usually 經常:(more) often (than not), frequently, many a time
曾經:once, ever, at one time 最後一次/一勞永逸:once and for all 第一/最後一次:for the first/last time
有時候:sometimes, at other times, at times, from time to time, off and on, on and off 偶而:from time to time (亦表因時間之不同), occasionally, once in a while 一再地:repeatedly, again, over and over (again), time after time
時間 副詞
暫時:for the time being, tentatively, temporarily 先/之前:formerly, earlier, previously 早期/那時期:in early days/times, in those days 古時候:in ancient times 事先:in advance, beforehand, ahead of time 大都是:mostly, most of the time 隨著時間逝去:with/over time, as time goes by 日復一日:day in day out, day after day 每日地:from day to day, day by day 到了…時候:by…, by the time+子句
近來:recently, lately, these days 以前:once upon a time, long ago (and far away), in the past, 未來:in the future 遲早:sooner or later 永遠:for good, forever (優)先於:prior to 前幾天:the other day 有朝一日:someday, one day (有一天) 從那時:since (adv)
全天地:day and night, around the clock 現在/目前:now, nowadays, at present, currently, for now, contemporarily (當今) 迄今:so far, up to now, until/till now, to this day, to date, as yet 立刻/即:in no time, immediately, right away, right now, at once, instantly
大約:about, around, …or so, approximately 個別地:individually 分別地:respectively 正式地:formally, officially 精神上:spiritually 故意地:deliberately 相對地:relatively 典型地:typically 傳統上:traditionally 誤認地:mistakenly 定期地:regularly 嚴重地:severely, seriously 莊嚴地:solemnly, spectacularly 慷慨地:generously 密切地:closely 鬆弛地:loosely 急遽地:drastically, abruptly, sharply 和諧地:harmoniously 無異議地:unanimously 奸猾地:cunningly 拼命地:desperately
可有可無地:optionally 廣泛地:extensively, widely
到處:everywhere, here and there, far and wide/near, ubiquitously
藉著:by, by means of 上下地/來回地:up and down
來回地:back and forth, backwards and forwards, to and fro, from one side to the other
白費地:in vain 從頭至腳:from head to foot, from top to toe 從頭至尾/完全地:from top to bottom, from start to finish
聯合/結合:in conjunction with, in association with, in combination with
代表:on behalf of 適合/配合:in keeping with 與…一致:in accordance/agreement with
當場:on the spot, on the scene, right there 疑慮地:suspiciously