
現在簡單式用來表示常態, 習慣或不變的原理
現在簡單式基本句型就只有: 主詞 + 現在式動詞
但注意若主詞為第三人稱單數(如 he, she, it, my father, John 等)時, 且為肯定句時動詞就要加 s 或 es
(加 es 的是該動詞結尾為 s, z, ch, sh, x 等, 如 kisses, buzzes, watches, washes)
例: I get up at seven every morning.
He watches TV until midnight.
My father drives to work every day.
否定句時, 句型為: 主詞 + don’t / doesn’t (第三人稱單數用) + 原形動詞 (記得此時動詞不能再加 s 或 es 了)
例: I don’t drink coffee.
He doesn’t live in Taipei.
We don’t like dogs.
Jenny doesn’t work there.
Yes / No 疑問句的句型為: Do / Does + 主詞 + 原形動詞?
例: Do you have a car?
Does your sister live in Taipei?
Do they eat Chinese food?
疑問詞問句的句型為: 疑問詞 What / Where / Who / When / Why / How + do / does + 主詞 + 原形動詞?
例: What kind of movies do you like?
Where does Bob work?
How do they go to school?
注意在現在簡單式裡, 一定會有一般動詞 have, live, work…等, 所以是不可能會有 be 動詞 am / are / is 的
He is not come from Taipei. (X)
He is from Taipei. = He comes from Taipei. (O)
I have a sister.
I don’t have a sister.
You have a sister.
You don’t have a sister.
Do you have a sister?
How many sisters do you have?
He has a brother.
He doesn’t have a brother.
Does he have a brother?
How many brothers does he have?
Gina lives with her parents.
Gina doesn’t live with her parents.
Does Gina live with her parents?
Who does Gina live with?
We take a bus to work.
We don’t take a bus to work.
Do we know the answer?
What do we know?
They enjoy cooking at home.
They don’t enjoy cooking at home.
Do they enjoy cooking at home?
What do they enjoy doing?


資料來源: Sammy


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