比較級:-er/more…than  (S1  S2 …)



S1+ V1



more + 不可數單數/可數複數名詞 + than~~更多 86聯考)
fewer + 可數複數名詞 + than~~更少 88推甄,86聯考)
less (更多) + 不可數單數名詞 + than ~~更少



+ S2 







1. She's collected more/fewer CDs than her sister (has). (她收集的CD她姊姊/。)
2. Each day, I drink more/less coffee than my boss (does). (我每天喝的咖啡老闆/。)





S1+ V1 +



形容詞 -er/more + 形容詞 than (比 ~  ~ 

less + 形容詞 + than (比 ~ 更不 ~ 



+ S2 95學測,93指考/學測,88/86聯考)







例:The weather is not hotter in the north than (it is) in the south. (北部的天氣不南部。)





S1+ V1 more/less + 副詞 + than  + S2 (比~/更不~  (副詞修飾一般動詞)






例:The robot walks more/less steadily than a man (does). (這機器人走路/不穩。)



註:later (晚點/後來) vs  latter (後者) –89推甄little () less (較少) least (最少/最不)—88推甄




同級比較句型: as……….. as    (S1  S2一樣的…)



S1+ V1 +



as + many (+可數複數名詞) + as  ~ ~ 一樣多)
as + much (+不可數單數名詞) + as 92學測,87推甄,85聯考)



+ S2 







1. She's collected as many CDs as her sister (has). (她收集的CD她姊姊一樣多。)
2. Each day, I drink as much coffee as my boss (does). (我每天喝的咖啡老闆一樣多。)






* 可數單數名詞用法:S1+ V1 + as + 形容詞原級 + a(n) +可數單數名詞 + as + S2 … 



  例:The screenplay is as interesting a story as the actual event. (這劇本真實故事一樣有趣。)






註:as many/much as + 數量 = up to + 數量(有 ~ 之多/多達 ~
  例:As many as (=Up to) 10 passengers were injured in the accident. 多達10位旅客在事故中受傷。)





S1+ V1 + as + 形容詞原級 + as + S2 (一樣的 ~ 85推甄)






例:The weather is not as/so hot in the north as (it is) in the south. (北部天氣不像南部那麼。)





S1+ V1 + as + 副詞原級 + as + S2 (一樣的 ~  (副詞修飾一般動詞)






例:The robot walks as steadily as a man (does). (這機器人走路一樣地穩。)















nothing more than (=nothing/all but) 只是91學測)nothing less than儼然是~


例:It's nothing more than a joke(只是個笑話)/nothing less than a trick. (儼然是惡作劇)




~些:any 90學測), even 95/94指考,86聯考), still 
(2)  ~
的多:much/a lot/(by) far/a great(good) deal/considerably 90學測) 
有點 ~slightly/a bit/a little/somewhat




1. Are you feeling any better? (你感覺更好些了嗎?)
2. The rich ecology brings even more surprises for visitors. (豐富生態為觀光客帶來更多驚喜。)
3. Chinese is considerably more difficult to learn than English. 中文比英文難學的多。)




修飾最高級:by far84推甄), the very + 最高級。


例:This model is by far the newest design.  (此款絕對是最新穎的設計。)




(a) few/many+more+可數N 84聯考)(a) little/much+more+不可數N


例:We have a few more minutes before the meeting starts. (會議開始前,我們還有幾分鐘多時間。)




倍數的三種表達法 (下列用法皆是置於S + V 之後)
 比較級倍數 + adj/adv比較級 + than 
 同級比較倍數 + as + adj/adv原級 + as …  90學測)
  ~ 倍數 + NP
  (1) (2) adj 需轉換成 (3) NP
   old → age, heavy → weight; big → size; high →height; much → amount/sum/what-子句等。




He is almost three times heavier than his girlfriend. (他比她女朋友重三倍。)
= He weighs almost three times
 as much as his girlfriend.
= He is almost three times
 his girlfriend's weight.




She earns ten times more than he used to. (她的收入比以前多十倍。)
= She earns ten times
 as much as he used to. 
= She earns ten times
 what he used to.



註: by + 倍數。例:The sales have increased by five times this year.


twice half 分數與同級比較as … as連用居多。



註:twice 亦可接名詞。


1. I work twice as hard as you.
2. A morbidly obese person may weigh about twice as much as a slim person.
3. I paid half as much for the meal as they did.
4. We have a third as many students in our class as we had last term.



1. He is ten years older/younger than us. (=He is older than us by ten years.)
  = He is ten years our senior/junior. (=He is my junior/senior by ten years.)
  (He is junior/senior to me by ten years./He is ten years junior/senior to me. → 口語用)
2. The grain output is 8 percent higher this month than that of last month.




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