
由 ”疑問詞 + 主詞 + 動詞” 形成的名詞子句
而且該名詞子句裡用的是 “can / should + 原形動詞” 時
變成「疑問詞 + to V」的縮略寫法, 成為一個片語
例:Could you tell me how I can get to the train station?
= Can you tell me how to get to the train station?
I am not sure what I should do. = I am not sure what to do.
不過由Yes / No 疑問句變成的名詞子句則不能這樣變化
現在大家來練習看看, 把下面的名詞子句改為縮略的片語:
1. Please let us know when we can move in.
= Please let us know _______________________
2. It is not my responsibility to teach you how you should do your job.
= It is not my responsibility to teach you __________________________
3. Can anyone tell me which way I should go?
= Can anyone tell me ________________________
4. I have no idea how I can make that much money.
= I have no idea _________________________
5. Do you know what you should do next?
= Do you know __________________________?
1. when to move in
2. how to do your job
3. which way to go
4. how to make that much money
5. what to do next

分享至: Sammy


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